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G20 conference

Join our group for more study things and many more PM Modi conducts tripartite talks with Jinping and Putin in G-20 conference AKHIL...

Monday, December 3, 2018

G20 conference

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PM Modi conducts tripartite talks with Jinping and Putin in G-20 conference


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जी - 20 सम्मेलन में पीएम ब्यूनस आयर्स । 

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी शुक्रवार को जी - 20 सम्मेलन से इतर रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन और चीनी राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग से त्रिपक्षीय वार्ता विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में आपसी सहयोग पर चर्चा की । इससे पहले तीनों देशों के नेताओं के बीच 2006 में त्रिपक्षीय बातचीत हुई थी । इस बैठक को ‘ रिक रूस , भारत , चीन ) नाम दिया गया । पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि ' रिक बैठक उत्कृष्ट रही । राष्ट्रपति पुतिन , राष्ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग और मैंने कई मुद्दों पर बातचीत की , जिससे भविष्य में हमारी दोस्ती और मजबूत होगी । यह वैश्विक शांति बढ़ाने भी मददगार होगी । | वार्ता के बाद विदेश मंत्रालय की ओर जारी बयान में कहा गया कि विश्व को लाभ पहुंचाने वाले संयुक्त राष्ट्र , डब्ल्यूटीओ समेत अन्य बहुपक्षीय संस्थानों में सुधार और उन्हें मजबूत करने की जरूरत पर तीनों नेताओं ने सहमति जताई । मंत्रालय के मुताबिक , साझा रूप से अंतरराष्ट्रीय और क्षेत्रीय शांति के प्रचार के लिए नियमित तौर पर आपसी संपर्क बनाए रखने पर भी तीनों नेताओं में सहमति थी । इससे पहले , मोदी अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप और जापानी प्रधानमंत्री शिंजो आबे से भी त्रिपक्षीय मुलाकात की थी । इस बैठक में भारत ने हिंद - प्रशांत क्षेत्र को साझा आर्थिक वृद्धि वाला क्षेत्र बनाने की अपनी प्रतिबद्धता पर जोर दिया ।

PM Buenos Aires in G-20 Conference Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday discussed the mutual cooperation in different areas of trilateral dialogue with Russia President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping other than the G-20 conference. Earlier, there was a trilateral dialogue between the leaders of the three countries in 2006. This meeting was named 'Rick Russia, India, China). PM Modi said that Rick 's meeting was excellent. President Putin, President Xi Jinping and I have talked on many issues, which will strengthen our friendship in the future. It will also help to increase global peace. | After the talks, the statement issued to the Ministry of External Affairs said that the three leaders agreed with the United Nations, which benefited the world, the need to improve and strengthen the other multilateral institutions including the WTO. According to the ministry, there was a consensus among the three leaders on maintaining mutual contact on regular and regular basis for the promotion of international and regional peace. Prior to this, Modi had also met Tripathi from US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In this meeting, India emphasized on its commitment to make the region of the shared economic growth of the Hind-Pacific region.

विदेश सचिव विजय गोखले ने कहा , ' त्रिपक्षीय वार्ता बेहद सकारात्मक रही । पीएम मोदी ने वार्ता की पहल करने के लिए राष्ट्रपति पुतिन को धन्यवाद दिया । तीनों नेताओं का यह मानना है कि विश्व की शांति और समृद्धि के लिए । हमें मिलकर काम करना होगा । तीनों देशों ने आतंकवाद और जलवायु परिवर्तन जैसी वैश्विक चुनौतियों का सामना करने और सभी । मतभेदों के शांतिपूर्ण समाधान के लिए । तंत्र विकसित करने पर भी जोर दिया है । '

Modi thanked Putin

Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said, "Trilateral talks are very positive. PM Modi thanked President Putin for initiating talks. The three leaders believe that for the peace and prosperity of the world, We have to work together. The three countries face global challenges such as terrorism and climate change and all. For a peaceful solution of differences The emphasis is on developing the mechanism. '

उत्तर कोरिया के शासक किम जोंग से फिर मिलेंगे ट्रंप ब्यूनस आयर्स । अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप एक बार फिर उत्तर कोरिया के तानाशाह किम जोंग उन के साथ बैठक करेंगे । जी - 20 सम्मेलन से इतर दक्षिण कोरिया के राष्ट्रपति मून जेई इन के साथ ही मुलाकात में । ट्रंप ने इस बात का जिक्र किया । व्हाइट हाउस ने इसकी जानकारी दी । ट्रंप की प्रवक्ता सारा सैंडर्स ने कहा कि बैठक में दोनों नेताओं ने उत्तर कोरिया के पूर्ण परमाणु निरस्त्रीकरण को लेकर अपनी प्रतिबद्धता दोहराई । दोनों नेताओं ने नॉर्थ कोरिया पर मौजूदा प्रतिबंधों को कड़ाई से लागू करने पर भी सहमति जताई ताकि उत्तर कोरिया समझ आ जाए कि निरस्त्रीकरण की एक मात्र रास्ता है

North Korea's ruler Kim Jong will meet again at Trump Buenos Aires. US President Donald Trump will once again hold a meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong. In the meeting with South Korean President Moon J.E. Other than the G-20 conference. Trump has mentioned this. The White House informed about it. Trump spokesman Sarah Sanders said that in the meeting the two leaders reiterated their commitment to complete nuclear disarmament of North Korea. Both leaders agreed to strictly enforce existing restrictions on North Korea so that North Korea understood that there is only one way to disarmament

Sunday, December 2, 2018

@upsc_mpsc_group 's quiz answer discriptions

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see question all about this description
programme .
The continuation PSLV programme will enable Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO) to launch of satellites required for earth jobservation & navigation and Space
Sciences. It will also help government to clinch commercial lauunch service contracts
and meet the demand for the launch of satellites at a frequency of four to five
launches per year.
It was sanctioned by Union Government in 2008 to use PSLV as a workhorse vehicle
to meet the country’s satellite launch requirements. The operationalisation of this
programme has made India self-reliant in the launching capability of satellites for
the purpose of earth observation, disaster management, space sciences and

2. Solution: d)
Urea is an inexpensive form of nitrogen fertilizer with an NPK (nitrogen-
phosphorus-potassium) ratio of 46-0-0. Although urea is naturally produced in
humans and animals, synthetic urea is manufactured with anhydrous ammonia.
Although urea often offers gardeners the most nitrogen for the lowest price on the
market, special steps must be taken when applying urea to the soil to prevent the loss
of nitrogen through a chemical reaction.

3. Solution: d)
Union Government has decided to amend Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms
for NRIs, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) to
increase capital flows into the country.
Government will amend FDI policy on investments by NRIs, PIOs & OCIs which will
give them parity in economy and education. Now non-repatriable investments of
NRIs, PIOs & OCIs under under Schedule 4 of FEMA regulations will considered as
domestic investment.


Word “Repatriation” is derived from the latin word “Repatriare” which means go
home. Repatriation is the process of returning a person back to one’s place of origin
or citizenship. The term is also used to refer to the process of converting a foreign
currency back into the currency of the home country.
Repatriable NRI Investment : It refers to the investment wherein NRI can take the
invested money back to foreign currency i.e., amount invested can be converted to an
investor’s home country.
Non-Repatriable NRI Investment: It refers to the investment wherein NRI cannot
convert invested money back to his home country.

5. Solution: d)
The fish is native to Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot. It is generally found in
two streams of Mudba and Turad of Tunga River. The male of the Pethia striata
species is red in colour and measures 3-4cm in length, while the female is grey with a
striking pattern of scales. They are usually are found in small groups of 3-4
individuals in shallow pools.
he discovery of species is addition to the largest fish family which is scientifically
called as Cyprinidae that includes goldfish, common carp and zebrafish.

6. Solution: b)
Ancient ruins of Palmyra dates back to the first and second Century when it was
under Roman rule. Palmyra was once a Silk Road hub and one of the cultural centres
of the ancient world. The city occupies mythological status in Syria and is home to
some of the most beautiful and well-preserved ruins of antiquity, including the
Temple of Bel, built in 1st century.
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants have taken complete control of the
ancient Syrian city of Palmyra. The city is a UNESCO designated World Heritage site
and home to some of the world’s most magnificent ancient ruins. With the seizure of
entire ancient city, there are fears that the militants will destroy the ancient ruins as
there is no presence of government troops who had entirely withdrawn from the city
following an IS advance. It should be noted that the ancient ruins are situated in a
strategically important area on the road between Syria’s capital Damascus and the
contested eastern city of Deir al-Zour.

7. Solution: b)
The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878 under the Governor Generalship and
Viceroyalty of Lord Lytton, for better control of Indian language newspapers. The
purpose of the Act was to control the printing and circulation of seditious material,
specifically that which could produce disaffection against the British Government in
India in the minds of the masses.

8. Solution: b)
The report has projected India’s economy to grow by 7.6 per cent in year 2015 and
7.7 per cent in 2016. While, it has projected China’s economic growth will be 7 per
cent in year 2015 and 6.8 per cent in 2016.
The main reasons for strengthening of growth in this region will be because of
stronger domestic consumption and investment, and increase in exports.
The report has forecasted South Asian region’s GDP will grow by 6.7 per cent in 2015
and 6.9 per cent in 2016.

9. Solution: c)
Union Finance Ministry on 14 November 2014 announced that Goa and Kerala
became the first states in the country to achieve 100 percent Financial Inclusion
under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY).
Also, three Union Territories (UTs) namely Chandigarh, Puducherry and
Lakshadweep achieved 100 percent financial inclusion.
And recently, Meghalaya has achieved 100 percent success in implementing Union
Government’s flagship scheme for financial inclusion-Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan
Yojna (PMJDY).
10. Solution: b)
This discovered site is dry as Mars and has a mean atmospheric relative humidity
(RH) of 17.3 percent and a soil RH of a constant 14 percent at a depth of one meter.
Soil value taken form the MES site matches the lowest RH measurements taken on
Mars by the Mars Science Laboratory at Gale Crater. Thus, making these conditions
to establish the fact that this site is as dry as those found recently on the Martian
surface. Apart from this scientist also have found some bacteria species living there

11. Solution: b)
There are several ways of removing particulate matter; the most widely used of which
is the electrostatic precipitator (Figure 16.1), which can remove over 99 per cent
particulate matter present in the exhaust from a thermal power plant. It has
electrode wires that are maintained at several thousand volts, which produce a
corona that releases electrons. These electrons attach to dust particles giving them a
net negative charge. The collecting plates are grounded and attract the charged dust
particles. The velocity of air between the plates must be low enough to allow the dust
to fall.

12.Solution: c)
The catalysts, are fitted into automobiles for reducing emission of poisonous gases.
As the exhaust passes through the catalytic converter, unburnt hydrocarbons are
converted into carbon dioxide and water, and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide are
changed to carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas, respectively. Motor vehicles equipped
with catalytic converter should use unleaded petrol because lead in the petrol
inactivates the catalyst.

13.Solution: b)
Plants, bacteria, fungi and animals whose genes have been altered by manipulation
are called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). GM plants have been useful in
many ways. Genetic modification has:
• made crops more tolerant to abiotic stresses (cold, drought, salt, heat).
• reduced reliance on chemical pesticides (pest-resistant crops).
• helped to reduce post harvest losses.
• increased efficiency of mineral usage by plants (this prevents early exhaustion
of fertility of soil).
• enhanced nutritional value of food, e.g., Vitamin ‘A’ enriched rice.
In addition to these uses, GM has been used to create tailor-made plants to supply
alternative resources to industries, in the form of starches, fuels and

14.Solution: b)
Some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis produce proteins that kill certain insects such
as lepidopterans (tobacco budworm, armyworm), coleopterans (beetles) and
dipterans (flies, mosquitoes). B. Thuringiensis forms protein crystals during a
particular phase of their growth. These crystals contain a toxic insecticidal protein.
Why does this toxin not kill the Bacillus? Actually, the Bt toxin protein exist as
inactive protoxins but once an insect ingest the inactive toxin, it is converted into an
active form of toxin due to the alkaline pH of the gut which solubilise the crystals.

15.Solution: d)
Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have proposed various hypotheses; some
important ones are (a) Speciation is generally a function of time, unlike temperate
regions subjected to frequent glaciations in the past, tropical latitudes have remained
relatively undisturbed for millions of years and thus, had a long evolutionary time for
species diversification, (b) Tropical environments, unlike temperate ones, are less
seasonal, relatively more constant and predictable. Such constant environments
promote niche specialisation and lead to a greater species diversity and (c) There is
more solar energy available in the tropics, which contributes to higher productivity;
this in turn might contribute indirectly to greater diversity.

18.Solution: d)
BoP is a statement that summarizes an economy’s transactions with the rest of the
world for a specified time period. The balance of payments, also known as balance of
international payments, encompasses all transactions between a country’s residents
and its nonresidents involving goods, services and income; financial claims on and
liabilities to the rest of the world; and transfers such as gifts. The balance of
payments classifies these transactions in two accounts – the current account and the
capital account. The current account includes transactions in goods, services,
investment income and current transfers, while the capital account mainly includes
transactions in financial instruments. An economy’s balance of payments
transactions and international investment position (IIP) together constitute its set of
international accounts. All the four options form a part of the capital account.

19.Solution: c)
Romesh Chandra Dutt, a retired ICS officer, published The Economic History of
India at the beginning of the 20th century in which he examined in minute detail the
entire economic record of colonial rule since 1757.

20. Solution: a)
The Triffin dilemma or paradox is the conflict of economic interests that arises
between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives when a national
currency also serves as a world reserve currency. The dilemma of choosing between
these objectives was first identified in the 1960s by Belgian-American economist
Robert Triffin. He pointed out that the country whose currency, being the global
reserve currency, foreign nations wish to hold, must be willing to supply the world
with an extra supply of its currency to fulfill world demand for these foreign
exchange reserves, and thus cause a trade deficit.

22. Solution: c)
CGA is the principal Accounts Adviser to the Union Government. He is responsible
for maintaining and establishing a technically sound management accounting
system. Every month he prepares a critical analysis of revenues, expenditures,
borrowings and the deficit for Union Finance Minister. He also prepares annual
Union Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts (Civil) for presentation to the
Union Ministry of Finance has recently appointed M J Joseph as the Controller
General of Accounts (CGA). He will succeed Jawahar Thakur, who was recently
appointed as OSD (Accounting Reforms) in the office of CGA.

23. Solution: d)
Royal Dutch Shell plc commonly known as Shell, is anAnglo
Dutch multinational oil and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and
incorporated in the United Kingdom.Created by the merger of Royal Dutch
Petroleum and UK-based Shell Transport & Trading, it is the fourth largest company
in the world as of 2014, in terms of revenue, and one of the six oil and gas
As of January 2013 the largest shareholder is Capital Research Global Investors with
9.85% ahead of BlackRock in second with 6.89%.
Recently the United Steelworkers union striked against Royal Dutch Shell Plc at nine
U.S. oil and chemical plants. Up until recently oil prices had undergone steep drops

24. Solution: a)
Warm-blooded animals generate their own heat and maintain a body temperature
independent of the environment. They are also known as endotherms. It should be
noted most of mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals.
Opah or moonfish has ability to circulate heated blood throughout its body which
makes it first fish known to be fully warm-blood.
It can internally generate heat through constant flapping of wing-like pectoral fins.
Its unique structure also help to prevent this heat from being lost to the environment
as its gills lets warm blood to heat up cold blood returning from the gills’ respiratory
surface. This generated heat has an average muscle temperature about 4 to 50 C
above the surrounding water temperature.

26. Solution: a)
Union Government formally launched Upgrading the Skills and Training in
Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development (USTAAD) Scheme.
The Scheme aims at upgrading Skills and Training of minority communities by
preservation of traditional ancestral Arts and Crafts. It also envisages boosting the
skill of craftsmen, weavers and artisans who are already engaged in the traditional
ancestral work. Under the scheme, assistance will be provided to traditional artisans
to sell their products in order to make them more compatible with modern markets.
It is fully funded by Union Government and Union Ministry of Minority Affairs is
nodal agency in implementing it.

28. Solution: c)
Mahatma Gandhi led the Civil Disobedience Movement that was launched in the
Congress Session of December 1929. The aim of this movement was a complete
disobedience of the orders of the British Government. During this movement it was
decided that India would celebrate 26th January as Independence Day all over the
country. On 26th January 1930, meetings were held all over the country and the
Congress tricolour was hoisted. The British Government tried to repress the
movement and resorted to brutal firing, killing hundreds of people. Thousands were
arrested along with Gandhiji and Jawaharlal Nehru.
But the movement spread to all the four corners of the country Following this, Round
Table Conferences were arranged by the British and Gandhiji attended the second
Round Table Conference at London. But nothing came out of the conference and the
Civil Disobedience Movement was revived.
During this time, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were arrested on the charges
of throwing a bomb in the Central Assembly Hall (which is now Lok Sabha) in Delhi,
to demonstrate against the autocratic alien rule. They were hanged to death on
March 23, 1931.

29. Solution: c)
The Moro people or Bangsamoro are a population of indigenous Muslims in the
Philippines, forming the largest non-Catholic group in the country, and comprising
about 5% of the total Philippine population.
The Moro Insurgency in the Philippines is an ongoing insurgency in the
predominantly-Muslim Southern Philippines. Recently it derailed a peace treaty and
caused millions of dollars of revenue loss to Philippines government.

30. Solution: d)
The effect can be seen in the drawing up of liquids between the hairs of a paint-
brush, in a thin tube, in porous materials such as paper, in some non-porous
materials such as liquefied carbon fiber, or in a cell. It occurs because

Supreme Court (SC) on 13 May 2015 issued a slew of guidelines on regulation of
public advertisements. This guidelines seeks to prevent ruling politicians at all levels
from misusing tax payers’ money to enhance their image or of their parties as it is
against democratic principles.
Only photographs of the President, Prime Minister (PM) and Chief Justice of India
(CJI) can feature in the government advertisements with their prior approval.
Besides, the photos of late national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal
Nehru can be used in these advertisements. Henceforth, official advertisements
should not carry the name of any political party, political symbol, logo or flag. In
order to regulate the issue of public advertisement and to keep check on framed
guidelines to prevent its violation, Union government must constitute a three-

member committee.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Just think that .

UPSC IAS EXAM SYLLABUS (PRELIM & MAINS) COMPLETE NOTIFICATION OF C.S. EXAM STRATEGY TO CRACK IAS IN FIRST ATTEMPT Published by FIRST ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED ACADEMY Face The Challenge Academy for Civil Services IAS, IPS, IRS, IFoS 23-B, 2nd Fl, Rajinder Ngr, Pusa Road & L-71, 2nd Fl, Malviya Ngr, New Delhi Tel .: 8527559420; 011-64645364, 011-41055761 FTC

What is strategy:
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The most important feature of the strategy has to be the focus on main goal it is difficult to formulate and effective strategy and remain focused if you want to cover more than goal in the context of cracking IAS in first attempt the focus has to be on the Civil Services Exam only and most of us make this mistake of preparing for the different competitive exam other than our main goal with the idea of playing safe many student prepare 4 different competitive exam like state civil services exam bank PO exam Staff Selection Commission Exam etc along with the civil services exam and many a times student are passing some academic source or a part time job or a job much below the level of their  capability. In this kind of in this kind of situation the amount of time gets divided into various activities and the focus keeps on changing the every time there is a distraction from the mean the main aim.

 you must realise that properly preparing for the Civil Services Exam is not a part time job it is a full time job it is matter of fact that if you are fully devoted to Civil Services Exam without passing any other studies or the competitive exam or the job your concentration concentration will go up like anything and this would give you the best of the result it is my own experience that finally when I full focused on civil services exam I got the the design of grabbing one job or the other and playing save lead to failure on all the front resulting into depression and Lowring
Of your confidence
therefore let assure your that once you fully focus on the civil services exam and go all out after in nobody nobody can stop you from getting selected in IAS in the every first attempt

It will be very interesting to know that there is no competition at the top of you climb up the Everest you will find that there is hardly nobody around to compete with you where is down bro there is full lot of crowd 2y with each other if you appear in the competitive exam of the clear level there would be legs of student who are competitive with each other the lower is the level of the job is bigger is the crowd to compete for it and as you are higher the lesser.is the competition I will tell you how there is less competition in the highest competitive exams of civil services dear worthy 100000 student who applied for the preliminary of civil services exam in may 2014 but by the time it was August 2014 only 4.5 lac candidates would master the courage to appear in the prelim exam I don't know think there is any other competition in which almost 36% of the candidates drop the idea is of just appearing in the exam don't only look at the number who appeared in the exam thought Thevar 4.5 lakh candidates but look at the other 2.5 lakh candidates who didn't even have the courage to get into the exam hall another fact which I want to tell you all is that that is cut off percentage at the prelim exam is about 62% only and those who is called this much work called to appear in the main exam in which 17000 candidates qualified to appear out of the 17000 student 3381 b called to appear for the interview and 1291 candidates will get the job if you look at the percentage of the marks obtained in 2013 civil services exam you will find that the candidates who got just 32.5% marks were called for the interview and after adding the mark of the interview those who aggregated 38.5 % marks even got the job in the Civil Service exam finally look at it like this that the percentage of marks for getting into civil services is solo that is even lower than the pass marks of 40 40% in most of the universities all over world do you think that getting 40% marks is so difficult????🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂ such a low percentage of marks to get into civil services indicates that the candidates who are appearing in the Civil Services Exam are not all the serious I strongly feel that though they may be bright but they generally don't put in the match of the hard work as they should have it could be because of plenty of the reason maybe they are pursuing some studies maybe they are already having a job in hand or maybe they are pursuing some other competitive exam as well but I am sure that once you leave everything else apart a focus only on civil services exam and full wholeheartedly else apart the focus only on civil services exam and other to nobody can stop you from becoming an IAS officer tell me by putting in the exclusively all the time of one and half year into the Preparing of IAS exam who cannot score just 40% marks when I say that there is no competition at the top I mean that with the shield hard work of such a long duration you take yourself to top of the Mountain where not many are there to compete with you and therefore you are winner winner winner winner winner winner winner winner winner winner so best of luck everyone I feel like this post please share link and subscribe our channel and group and please comment thank You this is @ UPSC MPSC Guru group and this is copied from face the challenge Academy. If you want to get studies  stuff material and many more things and so please join our group and channel just click link. You are reading this www.golsbnaa.blogspot.com

रणनीति की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण विशेषता मुख्य लक्ष्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना है, इसे बनाना और प्रभावी रणनीति बनाना मुश्किल है और यदि आप पहले प्रयास में क्रैकिंग आईएएस के संदर्भ में लक्ष्य से अधिक कवर करना चाहते हैं तो ध्यान केंद्रित रहना चाहिए। केवल सिविल सेवा परीक्षा और हम में से अधिकांश अपने मुख्य लक्ष्य के अलावा विभिन्न प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करने की गलती करते हैं, जिसमें कई छात्र सुरक्षित खेल के विचार के साथ 4 सिविल सेवा परीक्षा बैंक पीओ परीक्षा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग परीक्षा आदि तैयार करते हैं। सिविल सेवा परीक्षा के साथ और कई बार छात्र कुछ अकादमिक स्रोत या अंशकालिक नौकरी या अपनी क्षमता के स्तर से बहुत कम नौकरी पास कर रहे हैं। इस तरह की स्थिति में समय की मात्रा विभिन्न गतिविधियों में विभाजित हो जाती है और हर समय मुख्य उद्देश्य के अर्थ से व्याकुलता को बदलने पर ध्यान केंद्रित रहता है।

 आपको अवश्य पता होना चाहिए कि सिविल सेवा परीक्षा के लिए उचित रूप से तैयारी करना अंशकालिक नौकरी नहीं है, यह एक पूर्णकालिक नौकरी है, यह तथ्य यह है कि यदि आप किसी अन्य अध्ययन या प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा या नौकरी के बिना सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में पूरी तरह से समर्पित हैं आपकी एकाग्रता एकाग्रता कुछ भी की तरह बढ़ जाएगी और इससे आपको सबसे अच्छा परिणाम मिलेगा, यह मेरा खुद का अनुभव है कि आखिरकार जब मैंने सिविल सेवा परीक्षा पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया तो मुझे एक नौकरी या दूसरे को पकड़ने और लीड बचाने के लिए डिजाइन मिला सभी मोर्चे पर विफलता अवसाद और लोअरिंग के परिणामस्वरूप होती है
आपके आत्मविश्वास से
इसलिए आश्वस्त रहें कि एक बार जब आप पूरी तरह से सिविल सेवा परीक्षा पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं और किसी के बाद बाहर नहीं जाते हैं तो कोई भी आपको पहले प्रयास में आईएएस में चयन करने से रोक नहीं सकता

यह जानना बहुत दिलचस्प होगा कि एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ने के शीर्ष पर कोई प्रतिस्पर्धा नहीं है, आपको पता चलेगा कि आपके साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा करने के लिए कोई भी मुश्किल नहीं है, जहां नीचे है, वहां एक दूसरे के साथ भीड़ 2y है स्पष्ट स्तर की प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा में दिखाई देने वाले छात्र के पैर होंगे जो एक-दूसरे के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धी हैं, नौकरी का स्तर बड़ा है और भीड़ इसके लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करने के लिए है और जैसे ही आप कम हैं। प्रतियोगिता मैं आपको बताएगा कि सिविल सेवाओं की उच्चतम प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं में कम प्रतिस्पर्धा कैसे होती है, जो कि 2014 में सिविल सेवा परीक्षा की शुरुआत के लिए आवेदन करने योग्य योग्य 100000 छात्र हैं, लेकिन अगस्त 2014 तक केवल 4.5 लाख उम्मीदवार उपस्थित होने का साहस करेंगे प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में मुझे नहीं पता कि कोई अन्य प्रतिस्पर्धा है जिसमें लगभग 36% उम्मीदवारों को यह विचार छोड़ने का विचार है कि परीक्षा में उपस्थित होने से न केवल परीक्षा में दिखाई देने वाले नंबर को देखें, थिवर 4.5 लाख उम्मीदवारों ने अन्य 2.5 लाख उम्मीदवारों को देखा, जिनके पास परीक्षा कक्ष में शामिल होने का साहस भी नहीं था, एक और तथ्य जो मैं आपको बताना चाहता हूं कि प्रीलिम परीक्षा में प्रतिशत का कटौती केवल 62% है और जिन लोगों को इस काम को बुलाया जाता है उन्हें मुख्य परीक्षा में शामिल किया जाता है जिसमें 17000 उम्मीदवारों ने साक्षात्कार के लिए उपस्थित होने के लिए 17000 छात्र 3381 बी से बाहर निकलने के लिए अर्हता प्राप्त की और 12 9 1 उम्मीदवारों को नौकरी मिल जाएगी यदि आप अंक के प्रतिशत को देखते हैं 2013 सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में प्राप्त आप पाएंगे कि जिन उम्मीदवारों को 32.5% अंक मिले थे, उन्हें साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया गया था और साक्षात्कार के निशान को जोड़ने के बाद 38.5% अंकों को एकत्रित करने के बाद भी सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में नौकरी मिल गई इस तरह सिविल सेवाओं में शामिल होने के लिए अंकों का प्रतिशत अकेला है जो दुनिया भर के अधिकांश विश्वविद्यालयों में 40 40% के पास अंकों से भी कम है, क्या आपको लगता है कि 40% अंक प्राप्त करना इतना मुश्किल है ???? 🤷 ♂ Civil नागरिक सेवाओं में आने के लिए अंकों का इतना कम प्रतिशत इंगित करता है कि सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में उपस्थित उम्मीदवार सभी गंभीर नहीं हैं, मुझे दृढ़ता से लगता है कि हालांकि वे उज्ज्वल हो सकते हैं लेकिन वे आम तौर पर ' कड़ी मेहनत के मैच में नहीं डाले क्योंकि उन्हें यह कारण हो सकता है कि वे कुछ अध्ययनों का पीछा कर रहे हैं, शायद वे पहले से ही नौकरी में हैं या शायद वे कुछ अन्य प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षा भी कर रहे हैं लेकिन मैं मुझे यकीन है कि एक बार जब आप सिविल सेवा परीक्षा पर पूरी तरह से ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं और पूरी तरह से सिविल सेवा परीक्षा पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं और अन्य कोई भी आपको आईएएस अधिकारी बनने से रोक नहीं सकता है तो मुझे विशेष रूप से हर समय डालकर बताएं आईएएस परीक्षा की तैयारी में डेढ़ साल की उम्र में, जो केवल 40% अंकों का स्कोर नहीं दे सकता है जब मैं कहता हूं कि शीर्ष पर कोई प्रतिस्पर्धा नहीं है, मेरा मतलब है कि ढाल के साथ इतनी लंबी अवधि के कड़ी मेहनत के साथ आप स्वयं को शीर्ष पर ले जाते हैं माउंटेन के जहां आप के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा करने के लिए बहुत सारे लोग नहीं हैं और इसलिए आप विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता विजेता हैं, इसलिए मुझे इस पोस्ट की तरह सभी को शुभकामनाएं दें, कृपया लिंक साझा करें और हमारे चैनल और समूह की सदस्यता लें और कृपया धन्यवाद यह @ यूपीएससी एमपीएससी गुरु समूह है और इसे face the challenge academy से कॉपी किया गया है। यदि आप अध्ययन सामग्री सामग्री और कई और चीजें प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और इसलिए कृपया हमारे समूह और चैनल में शामिल हों लिंक पर क्लिक करें। आप यह www.golsbnaa.blogspot.com पढ़ रहे हैं

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Story on personality

Good morning
Build a positive personality
औरों की परवाह (  - Shwow consideration 

  एक दिन एक दस साल का बच्चा एक आइसक्रीम की दुकान पर गया , और टेबल पर बैठ कर एक महिला वेटर से पूछा , “ एक कोन ( cone ) आइसक्रीम कितने की है ? " उसने कहा , “ पचहत्तर सेंट की । ” बच्चा हाथ में पकड़े सिक्कों को गिनने लगा , फिर उसने पूछा कि छोटी कप वाली आइसक्रीम कितने की है ? वेटर ने बेसब्री से कहा , “ पैंसठ सेंट्स की । ” लड़का बोला , “ मुझे छोटा कप ही दे दो । ” लड़का अपना आइसक्रीम खाया , पैसे दिए और चला गया । जब वेटर ख़ाली प्लेट उठाने के लिए आई तो उसने जो कुछ देखा , वह बात उसके मन को छू गई । वहाँ दस सेंट्स टिप ' के रखे हुए थे । उस छोटे बच्चे ने उस वेटर का खयाल किया । उसने संवेदनशीलता दिखाई थी । उसने खुद से पहले दूसरे के बारे में सोचा । (jeet apki ) 

 अगर हम सब एक - दूसरे के लिए उस छोटे बच्चे की तरह सोचें , तो यह दुनिया कितनी हसीन हो जाएगी । दूसरों को खयाल करें और नम्रता व शिष्टता दिखाएँ । दूसरों का खयाल रखना यह दिखाता है कि हम उनकी परवाह करते हैं ।
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018


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